Write a program (WAP) to accept an year from the user and check whether it is a leap year or not. Rules to check leap year.
Write a program with two integer variables a = 5 and b = 8. Swap the values of the two numbers by using a temporary variable such that the value of a is now 8 and the value of b is now 5.
Do problem 2 without using a temporary variable.
WAP to accept a number from 1 to 7 and display the corresponding day of the week.
WAP to accept two numbers and a operator (+, -, *, /, %) from user and perform the operation on the two numbers as per the operator entered and display the result.
Write a menu driven program to accept a choice from user and as per the choice perform the following operations:
Area of a circle
Area of a rectangle
Area of a triangle (Heron’s formula)
Volume of a sphere
WAP to acept an alphabet from user and display whether it is a vowel or consonant.
Write a munu driven program to accept a choice from user and as per the choice perform the following operations: